
Jan 18, 20203 min

Zap: The Targeted Justice Movement and Space Development



Written by: m.wilson

Harvey Weinstein’s use of a company called Black Cube, reportedly hired to intimidate victims and journalists (FFTI,2020), was probably a rare instance of media exposure to the phenomena addressed by the Targeted Justice Movement. Targeted Individuals (TI’s) also came into public awareness as part of the ongoing investigations into the Church of Scientology and its practices, with its many former members, their families, and friends claiming to have been stalked and harassed by church employees (FFTI, 2020). The Guardian (2018), published a story about a company called K2, a private security firm that infiltrated an anti-asbestos organization by posing one of its operatives as a documentary filmmaker within the establishment for four years.

Electronic Harassment

The Targeted Justice Movement is activism meant to address instances like the cases mentioned above, however, it is probably best known for its ‘crazies,’ or its incidents of targeting via “electronic harassment,” which the organization says is currently “growing out of control.” Citizens Against Harmful Technology, for example, is requesting signatures via Change.org as part of its petition of harassment stemming from ‘cell towers, vehicles, drones, satellites, and numerous other appliances that establish electronic slavery.’

Of course, it would seem somewhat biased to disregard another person’s experience, especially if it is causing the individual pain, no matter how impossible it may seem to be. And in the broader sense, ‘crazy’ is probably best measured in terms of behavior management and basic functionality. While common sense might reference various electronic tools such as X-rays that are invisible to the human eye, but extremely useful to help that same eye penetrate multiple layers of matter and view what’s on the other side. Moreover, it would also be necessary to assume that everyone with access to such technology uses it publicly and in a way that benefits every citizen.

It is possible then that recent outer space events, including massive satellite coverage of every region of the globe and the militarization of space, would be the type of activity to send persons like the author of Satellite Terrorism In America  Dr. John Hall M.D., (who professes first-hand knowledge of illegal intelligence programs), into red alert (Lighthouse, 2017). 

The DPL Electronic Surveillance website cites the 2014 electronic harassment case of Watterson vs Aro, in which neighbor Kathleen Watterson was awarded a temporary restraining order against Mr. Aro due to microwave assault, as one of the movement’s shining victories. Watterson had described her neighbor’s electronic presence as something “like controlling fog (stopgangstalking.com, 2014).” She was awarded the case the judge stated not because he felt Mr. Aro had done the harassment intentionally but instead was the result of negligence related to his satellite equipment.

Havana Syndrome

American and Canadian embassy staff in Cuba and later China complained of a variety of health problems beginning in 2016. Later testing, including brain imaging, blood tests, cognitive assessments, and other medical studies of these diplomats, revealed the presence of brain injury but did not diagnose the cause. The Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) indicated that microwave weapons were “a main suspect” (Wikipedia contributors, 2020). Following this physical evidence of brain trauma, was a study published in Neural Computation identifying pulsed radiofrequency and microwave radiation via the Frey Effect (microwave hearing effect), and noted a similar microwave attack documented at the U.S. embassy in Moscow (Wikipedia contributors, 2020). The brain injury itself is described as acquired neurotoxicity with neurological manifestations such as:

multiple functional and structural impairments, including significant spatial memory impairment, abnormal brain-stem evoked potentials, degradation of fibretracts in the fornix and posterior corpus callosum, blood-brain barrier injury to the right basal forebrain and anterior insula, and abnormal paroxysmal slowing events of cortical activity. Subsequent mass-spectrometry and blood analyses documented reduced serum cholinesterase activity and the presence of organophosphates(Temephos) and pyrethroid metabolites(3-phenoxybenzoic acidor 3-BPA)."

(Friedman, Alon, et al. “Havana Syndrome Among Canadian Diplomats: Brain Imaging Reveals Acquired Neurotoxicity.” medRxiv (2019): 19007096).

“Edgar Wallenheim” hates my guts…’

Cause Stalking, was defined in a Vice (2017) report as stalking based on a victim’s lifestyle, political orientation, or beliefs. Cause Stalking may entail goings-on as subtle as the filling up of a parking lot just as the victim is arriving or traffic behaviors involving numerous cars, which cause the driver to miss an exit or an appointment. While it may sound rather far-fetched, it would certainly seem possible for anyone at any time to be targeted as an individual by someone who: dislikes them, wants something they have; objects to their race or sexual orientation, etc. – perhaps by a person(s) with the means, time, and/or knowledge required to do so. 

If you feel that you have been targeted, there are many books on the topic written by academics, including “Surviving and Thriving as a Targeted Individual by Cathy Meadows and “Gang Stalking: the Threat to Humanity” by Dr. Corkin Cherubini.
